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- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 07:02:31 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #137
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Mon, 17 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 137
- Today's Topics:
- [*] Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.0 softwarefor Macintosh
- [*] A FileMaker Pro template to catalogue one's music collection
- [*] Apple Menu 7.5 patch 1.1; allows for separators in hier menus
- [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.4; a PowerBook battery utility
- [*] Blobbo 1.0.1 Patch; a game
- [*] ClipStation; a clipboard utility
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-065
- [*] GEnieNav 2.5.1a; Microphone Pro navigation settings for Genie
- [*] German Road Sign Icons
- [*] Hermes Directories Reader; a BBS utility
- [*] How I feel about PCs (QuickTime movie)
- [*] HTML SuperText 2.0b; HTML text editor
- [*] LabHelper 4.02; a scientific data utility
- [*] life-11; a Newton game
- [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.4; a graphics utility
- [*] MacSki 1.5; a game
- [*] macsurvey-21a; survey analysis tool
- [*] macsurvey-21a; survey input and analysis tool
- [*] Maven update (2.0d22); an audio conferencing program
- [*] MICN 1.9.2 patch; icnonizes your menus
- [*] New LaserWriter 8 Patcher for LW8.2
- [*] newt-devenv-24; a native development environment for the Newton
- [*] OtherMenu 1.5.2->1.6 patch (re-upload)
- [*] Pasteboard XT v1.4; a Quark extension
- [*] Personal Librarian 2.0; tracks your library
- [*] Personal Log v1.7.0; a digital diary
- [*] poor-mans-newton-131-hc; a Newton simulator
- [*] Power Launch 11 2.0.1; a program launcher
- [*] Realmz 1.5; a game
- [*] runewt-24; runs application created with Newt 2.4
- [*] ScriptServer 1.0a4; an OSA compiler
- [*] Shoemaker 001 v01 (Mac MIDI music)
- [*] SimpleText Color Menu 1.3.2; adds a menu to SmpleText
- [*] slurpee-12; a Newton text utility
- [*] TI-85 programs
- [*] token ring simulation QT movie v. 1.2
- [*] TrafficWatch II 2.0 to 2.1 patch; a netwrok program
- [*] Type/Creator list v1.1; a list of Mac type and creator codes
- [Q] serial cable pin numbers...
- accessing files on DOS Novell servers
- acrobat
- Apple Adjustable Keyboards flaking out!
- A Problem with Central Point's MacTools Installer (A)
- AV: can I hope ?...
- Business week Apple article - what is on cover?
- Click Art Performa Collection?
- Converting Mac to PC PostScript fonts
- CopyDoubler slowed down by overstuffed folders
- Duplicate Menu Bar?
- Floppy format hangs
- GatorBoxes (R)
- HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- How to boost ARA for GV PowerPort Mercury modems
- IMAP Clients?
- Internal HD Chattering:Why?
- look for a font.
- Macintosh Drag-and-drop
- midi files
- Modems with voice capability
- Mounting kit for AppleCD 300i <Plus?> in Quadra 630
- New PPP User
- PowerBook 520 availability (Q)
- PowerBook HD on Mac Plus (Q)
- Programming FKEYs
- Scheduling Software (Gantt Chart) Update (2 msgs)
- SCSI Voodoo (Q)
- Seeking help with concordance work
- Stackable clipboard?
- Unix digest viewer (alternate answer)
- Unscrambling a document
- Why Teachers Fear Internet
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 10:27:16 MDT
- From: shore@mv.us.adobe.com (Andrew Shore)
- Subject: [*] Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.0 softwarefor Macintosh
- This is the FREE Acrobat Reader 2.0 software for Macintosh from
- Adobe Systems Incorporated. Documentation and licensing information
- is inside the self-extracting archive. This reader enables Macintosh
- users to view, navigate and print any PDF (Portable Document Format)
- files they receive. Reader 2.0 is available for free distribution to
- Macintosh and Windows users, and Reader 1.0 is available for
- distribution to DOS and Sun UNIX users. The files are available on
- Adobe's new WWW site http://www.adobe.com/ and on our anonymous ftp
- server ftp.adobe.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/adobe-acrobat-reader-20.hqx; 1714K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 17:49:05 -0700
- From: Tom Hyde <seastack@igc.apc.org>
- Subject: [*] A FileMaker Pro template to catalogue one's music collection
- File Description: This a Filemaker Pro 2.x template designed to catalogue
- album,
- CDs, DAT, cassettes and other music media as well as song lyrics. It can print
- collection lists and custom tape cassette inserts (specially designed to work
- with concert tapes as well). Extensive use of buttons, scripts and graphics.
- Lots of RspecialS extras and neat tricks incorporated. Can also hold a
- thumbnail
- album cover picture and sound sample. Functional, efficient and graphically
- pleasing interface. Recently received very good reviews in Stereo Review
- magazine (Nov. 94) and Inside Filemaker Pro newsletter (Oct. 94). Uploaded by
- author, Tom Hyde, Seastack@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/music-catalog-fmpro.hqx; 436K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 10:23:47 +0100
- From: pooh@brokendrum.stack.urc.tue.nl (Ernst 'pooh' Mulder)
- Subject: [*] Apple Menu 7.5 patch 1.1; allows for separators in hier menus
- This patch modifies the Apple Menu Options Control Panel supplied with
- Apple's System Software Version 7.5.
- What it does:
- The Apple Menu Options Control Panel supplies your Mac with a
- hierarchical Apple Menu. Without this patch, files with the name '-' (A
- single dash character) will show up, in your Apple Menu's Submenus, as
- Menu Items named '-' (obviously).
- After applying this patch, these items will show up as Menu Separation
- lines. If you think "Wow, that's useful!", this patch is for you,
- otherwise don't bother. What's more: Files ending with a '$' character
- will also show up as Menu Separation lines.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/apple-menu-75-patch-11.hqx; 24K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 21:30:03 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Herb Voth <hvoth@cln.etc.bc.ca>
- Subject: [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.4; a PowerBook battery utility
- As always, BatteryMinder is loaded with useful features for PowerBook users.
- 2.0.4
- - Fixes a bug where BatteryMinder's windows could get 'stuck' on
- the screen
- - Balloon help available for the Servers menu
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/battery-minder-204.hqx; 73K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 18:50 CST
- From: gandreas@mirage.skypoint.com
- Subject: [*] Blobbo 1.0.1 Patch; a game
- Enclosed is a patch for the Blobbo 1.0 game which fixes a problem that
- prevents level 18 from being finished.
- Glenn Andreas
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/blobbo-10-to-101-updt.hqx; 18K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 17:15 +1300
- From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
- <LDO@waikato.ac.nz>
- Subject: [*] ClipStation; a clipboard utility
- ClipStation is an attempt to unite the Drag Manager with the Clipboard, by
- providing a "way station" between the two. Also displays clipboard items
- which are text, QuickDraw pictures or QuickDraw GX graphics, and plays items
- which are sounds or QuickTime movies.
- Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- University of Waikato
- Hamilton
- New Zealand
- ldo@waikato.ac.nz
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/clip-station.hqx; 25K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:54:01 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-065
- C.S.M.P. Digest Fri, 14 Oct 94 Volume 3 : Issue 65
- Today's Topics:
- Books-Reference: opinions needed!!
- Changing to new toolbox routine names with MacPerl
- Cleanest way to turn AppleTalk on-off
- Dialog Edit text> 256 characters
- Fast zeroing on PPC
- Inside Mac on CD-ROM
- Q: Using PPC apps without Shared Libraries?
- Reading STR# resource - Pascal code
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-065.txt; 111K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:09:19 -0700
- From: ravensys@eskimo.com (Erik C. Thauvin)
- Subject: [*] GEnieNav 2.5.1a; Microphone Pro navigation settings for Genie
- GEnieNav is the quickest, easiest way to get and make the most of your time on
- GEnie! It's faster than ever and includes many new tools. (It's so good it is
- now bundled with the latest versions of MicroPhone.)
- GEnieNav gives you offline power for your online activities. Email and Bulletin
- Board (BB) messages can be automatically retrieved then read and replied to
- while offline -- at your leisure. And GEnieNav will automatically post your
- responses!
- While online GEnieNav can instantly navigate you to many predefined areas of
- GEnie and offers a wide variety of Bulletin Board, Library or Real-Time
- Conference functions.
- In addition of GEnie's own data network, GEnieNav currently automates dialup
- connections via various alternate (PDN) networks, including SprintNet, Datapac,
- PCVan and Datex-P.
- And there's lots more...
- Enjoy!
- E.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/genie-nav-251a-mp4.hqx; 338K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/genie-nav-251a-mp5.hqx; 340K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 19:17:41 EST
- From: Files_Admin@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] German Road Sign Icons
- I recently had the opportunity to visit the beautiful country of Germany
- this summer. I enjoyed the various road signs and found them more visually
- pleasing and informative than the road signs we have here in Canada. So I
- decided to draw my own set of icons for use with Macintosh folders.
- As a bonus I have included "Der Grune Punkt" icon, which literally
- translated means "The Green Dot". This is the European Recycling logo that
- appears on many different recyclable packages.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/german-road-sign-icons.hqx; 29K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:28:43 -0500
- From: mau@beatles.cselt.stet.it (Maurizio Codogno)
- Subject: [*] Hermes Directories Reader; a BBS utility
- This HyperCard 2.2 Stack should suggest how a non Pascal - C programmer may
- read Hermes' files stored in the DATA folder of your Hermes Files.
- For the moment, in this little example Stack you can only read (no editing
- is possible) the "Transfer Sections Files". of Hermes. The long description
- (the one inside the resource fork) is not read. This is not by any means the
- fastest way to get the data, but nevertheless it works.
- This is version 1.0.1, which supports Hermes II 3.x Directories' DATA files.
- Bix Byte
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/hermes-directories-data-101-hc.hqx; 31K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 16:48:57 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Larry Rymal:T.E.M.U.G.-EAST_TEXAS-" <lrymal@tenet.edu>
- Subject: [*] How I feel about PCs (QuickTime movie)
- RE: Rymal's_Revenge_Against_PCs.hqx (A QuickTime movie)
- After spending nearly a week of troubleshooting various
- incarnations of DOS machines, I found this old computer
- commercial which I felt was "my revenge" against those "other"
- computers which the market place thinks are so marvelous.
- This is a 3.2 meg movie and was much larger at standard
- quality settings. I regretfully knocked it down to a quality
- level of "2". Anyway, it does have some pixel effects but is
- still quite good. I'd suggest having at least QuickTime
- version 1.6.1 installed to maintain the 30fps playback.
- Process with StuffIt Expander.
- --Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/rymals-revenge-against-pcs.hqx; 3365K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 08:58:00 -0400
- From: Robert.Best@potsdam.edu (Robert C. Best III)
- Subject: [*] HTML SuperText 2.0b; HTML text editor
- HTML SuperText version 2.0b (beta) is a freeware Macintosh text editor for
- creating and editing HTML documents (text files used for world wide web
- pages) with a 'mac-like' interface.
- It can also be accessed at the following:
- http://www.potsdam.edu/HTML_SuperText/About_HTML_S.html
- at the ftp site: car6256.potsdam.edu In the directory: /pub/WWW.ftp/
- or via email if you email your request to: Robert.Best@potsdam.edu
- Written by Robert C. Best III
- HTML SuperText copyright 1994 SUNY Potsdam. All rights reserved.
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/html-super-text-20b.hqx; 357K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 14:04:53 -0400
- From: "Tzuen-Rong Tzeng" <ttzeng@hubcap.clemson.edu>
- Subject: [*] LabHelper 4.02; a scientific data utility
- This is an update to its previous version 4.01. It includes two new modules
- and some minor bugs have also been fixed.
- Tzuen-Rong Tzeng
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/lab-helper-402.hqx; 1491K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 08:53:21 PDT
- From: Steve Weyer <weyer@guest.apple.com>
- Subject: [*] life-11; a Newton game
- Keywords: Life, mathematics, simulation, Conway, Newt
- This Newt source version of Life and associated NTK package is freeware
- and may be distributed freely as long as the file "life.nwt" is
- included and unmodified. You are free to make modifications for your
- own use.
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/game/life-11.hqx; 29K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 16:56:04 PDT
- From: mwfong@std.sri.com (Martin Fong)
- Subject: [*] MacAnim Viewer 1.0.4; a graphics utility
- This Compactor Pro archive contains MacAnim Viewer 1.0.4, which
- displays GL, FLI, FLC, DL, GIF, and PCX/PIC files, and automatically
- unzips .zip archives in search of the same. MacAnim Viewer was built
- presupposing a 68020 and 32-bit QuickDraw and works best with an 8-bit
- color monitor. This bug fix release supercedes all previous versions.
- Version 1.0.4 saves current settings (including Unzip folder) in "MAV
- Preferences" in the system Preference folder; supports a GL time
- scale; writes GIF89a comments to the console; treats GL PIC/PCX files
- with ".gif" extensions as GIF files when reconciling script file
- references; and has new bundled '????' and 'PREF' file references and
- icons.
- 14OCT94 Martin Fong (mwfong@std.sri.com)
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/mac-anim-viewer-104.hqx; 224K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:28:29 -0500
- From: SIMPSON_HOMER_J <wattjame@cwis.isu.edu>
- Subject: [*] MacSki 1.5; a game
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/mac-ski-15.hqx; 733K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:33:12 -0700
- From: shaws@cerf.net (Slayton Shaw)
- Subject: [*] macsurvey-21a; survey analysis tool
- MacSurvey is a simple to use, time-saving input and analysis tool designed
- for use with opinion surveys that have no more than 150 closed-end types of
- questions. All questions can have up to 10 response choices from which only
- one choice can be made. Generates questionnaire form and crosstab analysis
- reports. Requires Mac+ or better, System 6.0.4 or later. Auth: CompStat
- Software. Shareware $20.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-survey-21a.hqx; 228K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 07:53:37 -0700
- From: shaws@cerf.net (Slayton Shaw)
- Subject: [*] macsurvey-21a; survey input and analysis tool
- Attached is the shareware application MacSurvey which I authored. It has
- been compressed with Compact Pro 1.31 (NOT SELF-EXTRACTING) and then has
- been BinHexed using Compact Pro. The archive also contains a help module
- and DOCMaker instructions along with data and report examples.
- MacSurvey is a simple to use, time-saving input and analysis tool designed
- for use with opinion surveys that have no more than 150 closed-end types of
- questions. All questions can have up to 10 response choices from which only
- one choice can be made. Generates questionnaire form and crosstab analysis
- reports. Requires Mac+ or better, System 6.0.4 or later. Auth: CompStat
- Software. Shareware $20.
- IMPORTANT: The application should be kept LOCKED when used.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-survey-21a.hqx; 228K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 15:54:58 -0500
- From: Eric Scouten <scouten@uiuc.edu> (Eric Scouten)
- Subject: [*] Maven update (2.0d22); an audio conferencing program
- Attached is a development update to the Maven audio-conferencing program.
- This version corrects some problems with playout delay which occurred in
- the previous release. This version also seems to be more stable on 680x0
- Macintoshes.
- Please place this version (2.0d22) on your servers in the appropriate
- locations, and delete the previous release (2.0a18 or d21).
- Bug reports should be sent directly to me (scouten@uiuc.edu).
- -Eric
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/maven-20d22.hqx; 95K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 17:52:02 -0500
- From: dcourtn@OPIE.BGSU.EDU (Des Courtney)
- Subject: [*] MICN 1.9.2 patch; icnonizes your menus
- One of my favorite utilities that I've found on the InterNet is Mark
- Valence's nifty little control panel "MICN." MICN is designed to "iconify"
- the menu bar, so menu titles don't run over your menu clock, keyboard menu,
- or help menu.
- Unfortunetly, MICN has not been updated for over a year, and it's built-in
- selection of color icons is rather limited. So, I've decided to tackle the
- artwork myself. MICN 1.9.2 supports over triple the menu icons of MICN 1.8
- or 1.9.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/micn-192-updt.hqx; 38K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 12:27:02 -0600
- From: nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Neil E. Mickelson)
- Subject: [*] New LaserWriter 8 Patcher for LW8.2
- Hey, everyone...
- Well, Apple has released a new version of the LaserWriter 8 driver, so it
- was time to generate a new patch!
- This patch will allow you to Setup a printer when it's offline, adds a
- layout menu to the Print diaglog, and adds more n-up printing choices.
- Also included in the package is a patch to disable the n-up printing
- borders, if you want.
- Please post this all as one file, to keep the distribution together. This
- should replace earlier versions of the LaserWriter 8 Patch and the Disable
- n-up Borders patch that are posted on sumex-aim and elsewhere.
- Feel free to distribute far and wide, and thanks for all the great e-mail!!
- Neil E. Mickelson
- mickelsn@uiuc.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/prn/laserwriter-82-patch.hqx; 53K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 08:52:56 PDT
- From: Steve Weyer <weyer@guest.apple.com>
- Subject: [*] newt-devenv-24; a native development environment for the Newton
- a native development environment for simple applications using
- NewtonScript, and for creating turtle-like graphics using gestures,
- buttons, and NS.
- Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development
- environment, NewtonScript, NTK, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo.
- Newt is shareware ($35) -- registered users receive a 46 page manual
- describing Newt features and NewtonScript syntax and functions, along
- with a floppy of source examples and other packages. See NewtNews.txt
- for further info. Copyright 1994, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved
- Worldwide.
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/dev/newt-24.hqx; 102K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 22:08:23 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Jim Walker <walkerj@math.scarolina.edu>
- Subject: [*] OtherMenu 1.5.2->1.6 patch (re-upload)
- This patch kit updates OtherMenu 1.5.2 to version 1.6.
- The previous patcher refused to work if your 1.5.2 was created by patching
- version 1.5 or 1.5.1, hence the re-upload.
- -- Jim Walker
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/other-menu-152-to-16-updt.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:21:43 -0500
- From: flargh@tikkabik.com (Peter A. Cohen)
- Subject: [*] Pasteboard XT v1.4; a Quark extension
- This is the most recent version of Pasteboard XT, a free QuarkXpress
- XTension from Markzware, a developer of custom XTension tools for
- QuarkXpress from Quark, Inc. Among other things, this version fixes a
- problem where the PasteBoard XT was necessary to be present in order for
- the files edited with it to be opened in QuarkXpress.
- I'm not affiliated with either Quark, Inc. or with Markzware; I'm uploading
- this because some people in usenet newsgroups have asked for this.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/quark-paste-board-xt-14.hqx; 28K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 22:14:18 -0400
- From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken Kirksey)
- Subject: [*] Personal Librarian 2.0; tracks your library
- Personal Librarian is a FileMaker Pro 2.0 database designed to help you keep
- track of your personal library. With Personal Librarian, you can keep track
- of all the vital statistics of your book collection, including:
- * Where and when you purchased your books.
- * Where your books are stored.
- * The current size and value of your collection.
- * To whom you have books loaned out.
- Personal Librarian sports a consistent and easy to learn interface, and it
- provides a variety of reports and flexible searching features. No matter how
- many books you own, Personal Librarian can help you keep better tabs on your
- collection.
- Personal Librarian requires 13S or larger color monitor to display properly.
- It will work on B&W monitors, but it won't be pretty.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/personal-librarian-20-fmpro.hqx; 59K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 94 15:31:30 -0500
- From: "Michael F. Kamprath" <kamprath@lamg.com>
- Subject: [*] Personal Log v1.7.0; a digital diary
- Have you ever wanted to keep a diary? Do you need to document your actions?
- Would you like to be able to easily take notes? Do you currently keep notes in
- one, big, disorganized Word file?
- If you answered yes to any of these, then Personal Log is for you. Personal Log
- allows you to keep a collection of notes in a single, easy-to-use file. You can
- password protect this file, search it's entries, and even "speak" the entries
- (if you have Speech Manager" installed). Unlike other "note taking" programs,
- Personal Log's interface is very simple and easy to use. Personal Log fully
- supports System 7: Balloon Help is enabled in every menu, dialog, and window;
- you may use Apple Script to control Personal Log; and the interface is in full
- color (when available).
- Improvements since v1.6:
- * "Print Selection"
- * New style search dialog with entry text searches
- * Ability to save entries in progress
- * Import text files with simple drag and drop (requires Drag Manager)
- * Open, create, and edit text files
- * Even faster file loading
- * More interface enhancements (see manual for list)
- * No longer cripple-ware!
- * Lower site licensing prices!
- Improvements Since v1.5:
- * You may now edit the dates of an entry.
- Improvements Since v1.0:
- * Now supports styled text editing.
- * Supports Apple's new Drag & Drop technolody (if installed).
- * Subject & Date sorting in the log windows.
- * Faster file loading.
- Personal Log is shareware; the fee is US$15. See the accompying manual for more
- information.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/personal-log-17.hqx; 272K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:30:55 -0700
- From: Joe Cicinelli <cicinell@saifr00.ateng.az.honeywell.com>
- Subject: [*] poor-mans-newton-131-hc; a Newton simulator
- Poor Man's Newton
- Copyright 1993-94, Joseph Guy Cicinelli. All Rights
- Reserved. Version 1.3.1, 12 October 1994
- What is it?
- Poor Man's Newton is a HyperCard stack that contains address
- and telephone information and generally behaves like Apple's
- new Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), the Newton MessagePad.
- If you are like me and you can't afford to buy one of these
- high tech tools, here is your chance to own a virtual one
- that can used on your Macintosh.
- Unlike previous versions which were simply v2.x HyperCard
- stacks, the current version of Poor Man's Newton is being
- distributed as both a HyperCard stack for those individuals
- that have HyperCard 2.2 and as a standalone application for
- those who don't.
- This version fixes a problem users were experiencing accessing
- the paint tools on the palette in the standalone version.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/poor-mans-newton-131-hc.hqx; 183K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 19:48:53 EST
- From: Terence_H._Price@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] Power Launch 11 2.0.1; a program launcher
- Attached is the latest version of Power Launch 11 2.0.1 - a shareware
- program launcher from Interealm. This version can be used for 30 days,
- after which you either pay the shareware fee or else.
- They have an 800 phone number to pay the modest shareware fee.
- Terry
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/power-launch-ii-201.hqx; 606K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 15:51:19 -0700
- From: Doug Ingram <ingram@u.washington.edu>
- Subject: [*] Realmz 1.5; a game
- I got tired of waiting for this to appear at the archive sites,
- so I cracked open an AOL membership kit that came with my
- modem, used up about half my free time, downloaded this file,
- and cancelled my membership (well...I'm about to...) :)
- Anyway, this is the BinHex encoded Realmz 1.5 Installer,
- the great shareware RPG game from Tim Phillips.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/realmz-15.hqx; 3247K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 08:53:10 PDT
- From: Steve Weyer <weyer@guest.apple.com>
- Subject: [*] runewt-24; runs application created with Newt 2.4
- runs native applications created by Newt 2.4 or beamed/mailed from RUNewt.
- Keywords: native Newton application delivery and transfer, Newt.
- RUNewt is freeware to end-users, licensable to developers or others who
- wish to distribute it. See RUNewt.txt for further info. For Newt, see
- newt-devenv-24.sit.hqx. Copyright 1994, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved
- Worldwide.
- RUNewt serves as an installer (for Newt applications), launcher
- (similar to Extras) and a run-time library. You can use it to run
- applications you obtain from another Newt user, or to save applications
- that you are developing.
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/runewt-24.hqx; 79K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 00:16:09 -0700
- From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
- Subject: [*] ScriptServer 1.0a4; an OSA compiler
- Here is a minor bug fix to ScriptServer, my scriptable OSA compiler.
- Version 1.0a4
- ScriptServer is a Shareware AppleScript OSA build program. It compiles, it
- decompiles, it executes and it returns results. What more could you want?
- ScriptServer is NOT an editor. It can be used from other editors though.
- Notably, the MPW Shell. This way you can edit scripts that are larger than
- 30,000 characters and use search and replace. MPW's even scriptable,
- although in some weird moon man language. You can compile scripts from the
- AppelScript Script Editor but you'll need to convert the MPW include script to
- AppleScript. If you do, drop me a copy. I imagine that it would be easy to
- call ScriptServer from BBEdit too. Maybe someone'll write an extension...
- The trick for MPW & ToolServer is to use Ed Lai's SendAE tool and the scripts
- provided to communicate with ScriptServer. The SSCompile script even supports
- the C preprocesser and our custom UltScript processor for those of you without
- the C compiler or the inclination to use it. These preprocessers allow you to
- use #include in your scripts. Nifty for those shared subroutines!
- I hope ScriptServer meets your MPW/ToolServer AppleScript needs. All I ask is
- a small Shareware fee if you use this. It's $10 for individuals using this for
- fun and profit and $20 per copy (or $200 for a site licence) for companies to
- use this in their commercial or in-house projects. I provide support and bug
- fixes to everyone and promptly cash all checks. ;)
- Send money, comments, suggestions, bug reports and directed insults to me at:
- Jon Pugh
- jonpugh@netcom.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/script-server-10a4.hqx; 27K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 01:32:09 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ESSOTERIC@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] Shoemaker 001 v01 (Mac MIDI music)
- The Music Represented in the File "Shoemaker 001 v01" is
- Copyright =A9 Craig Shoemaker 1994
- All Rights Reserved Worldwide
- Including the Right to Public Performance and all
- Publishing Rights (sound or written)
- This music is pay-if-you-like-it-ware. If you like it, please
- send fifty cents to
- Craig Shoemaker
- P.O. Box 744
- Falls Church, VA 22040
- File "Shoemaker 001 v01" is a Macintosh MIDI file; it requires
- a sound card or music machine to hear it. A QuickTime 2.0
- MIDI movie file is also included (containing only one strand).
- The composition, Shoemaker 001 v01, is subtitled
- as "Stranded Prelude."
- If this composition is posted on bulletin boards, please post
- as "Shoemaker 001 v01" or "Shoemaker001v01" or
- "Shoemaker-001-v01.hqx" etc., so that it is clear
- 1) who the author is, 2) what the piece number is
- (001 in this case), and 3) what the version number is (version
- 01 in this case). Thanks, Craig.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/shoemaker-001-01-qt.hqx; 26K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 13:46 GMT
- From: Lmontalcini@pmn.it
- Subject: [*] SimpleText Color Menu 1.3.2; adds a menu to SmpleText
- SimpleText Color Menu is a free drag & drop utility that
- installs an extra cool Color menu and an extra useful
- Goodies menu inside Apples SimpleText text editor (versions
- 1.1 and 1.1.1 only). You get a Find command, a Windows
- submenu and a default font/size/style/color setting for
- unstyled documents.
- Version 1.3.2 fixes an incompatibility with the Control
- Strip (and possibly other extensions that install floating
- windows).
- Version 1.3.1 was updated to support the new SimpleText
- 1.1.1 that comes with System 7.5.
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/simpletext-color-menu-132.hqx; 44K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 08:53:44 PDT
- From: Steve Weyer <weyer@guest.apple.com>
- Subject: [*] slurpee-12; a Newton text utility
- transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text
- between a text file and Newton soup entries
- via a terminal emulator and serial connection
- Keywords: data and text transfer, soup utility, terminal emulator, Newt
- Slurpee is freeware. See Slurpee.txt for further info.
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/slurpee-12.hqx; 61K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 16:32 est
- From: asudan@lanleb.cerf.fred.org
- Subject: [*] TI-85 programs
- Hello!
- Here is a text file. It contains info on programs available for the TI-85
- programmable calculator. I know it isn't completely Mac related but since
- the programs have to be read on a computer, I think it is appropriate to
- post them on info-mac. Well if you agree with me, please post this file.
- It is a short text file. For the subject you can put TI85PROG or
- something like that. I think it would be appropriate to post it in the
- Math-Science as well as the Development categories. If you do post this,
- could you please tell me via e-mail. You can write to AjayToo@aol.com. If
- you are very busy, then you don't have to write back.
- Thanks a lot!
- Ajay Sudan
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/ti-85-programs.txt; 9K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 13:43:44 -0700
- From: ames@netcom.com (Bill Ames)
- Subject: [*] token ring simulation QT movie v. 1.2
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/token-ring-simulation-12-qt.hqx; 1740K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 13:46:56 -0700
- From: neon@netcom.com (Neon Software)
- Subject: [*] TrafficWatch II 2.0 to 2.1 patch; a netwrok program
- TrafficWatch II 2.1
- Description: The accompanying file is a patch to convert TrafficWatch II
- version 2.0 to TrafficWatch II version 2.1. This patch will only work if you
- have already purchased a copy of TrafficWatch II 2.0.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/traffic-watch-ii-20-to-21-updt.hqx; 258K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 13:53:57 +0300
- From: ilans@ds.huji.ac.il (Ilan Szekely)
- Subject: [*] Type/Creator list v1.1; a list of Mac type and creator codes
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/type-creator-list-11.hqx; 242K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 14:35:05 -0400 (EDT)
- From: bailey melcher ford <fordbail@dekalb.DC.PeachNet.EDU>
- Subject: [Q] serial cable pin numbers...
- Hello info-macers,
- I am currently building a cable to transfer programs from my mac to an
- HP48GX calculator. I have the proper pin-outs and I have mangled cables
- with the appropriate ends. The information I have is VERY straighforward.
- It simply says to connect the grey wire (on teh HP end of the cable) to
- the wire leading to pin #x (on the mac end of the cable). My problem is
- also pretty simple.. which pin corresponds to which pin number.
- o o o o \
- \
- o o o o > Which Number goes with which pin?
- /
- o o /
- Thanks very much,
- Bailey Ford
- fordbail@deklab.dc.peachnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 16:23:37 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: accessing files on DOS Novell servers
- > Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 12:18:44 BST
- > From: phy6jem@sun.leeds.ac.uk
- > We have a requirement to access (read/write) data files
- > (Excell, Word etc) which reside on DOS Novell servers
- > and which are usually accessed by PC users.
- [snip]
- I would encourage you to be less sanguine in accepting your Novell support
- people's standard claim of "We're too busy, overworked, underpaid [fill in
- the blanks] to *possibly* do anything with your stupid Macintoshes." I
- checked with a company that just installed Novell (because Windoze NT did
- not live up to its billing) for the express purpose of having more or less
- universal access to that server by all clients.
- According to the documentation accompanying Novell Netware (DOS) 3.x.x:
- "The server must have MAC.NAM and AFP loaded and the volume containing the
- NW-MAC directory must have the Macintosh name space installed. You
- install the Macintosh name space by typing ADD NAME SPACE MACINTOSH TO
- <volume> at the server console. Type VOLUMES at the server prompt to
- verify that the name space has been added."
- This procedure must be performed for *each* volume that the Macintosh
- needs to access.
- Also, according to the administrator who provided the above information,
- the ADD NAME SPACE... line must also be added to the Novell NCF file
- [apparently a type of autoexec file] for the specified volumes to have the
- NAME SPACE installed at every server startup.
- These details may not be accurate to the absolute letter, but they are
- close; the point is, it is just not that difficult (according to my
- source) to provide Macs access to Novell volumes. Give this a try and
- report back on your progress.
- Regards,
- Traci J. Ingram
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 10:59:25 +0200
- From: kwakkenb@knoware.nl (R.C.J. Kwakkenbos)
- Subject: acrobat
- Dear Mac-friends,
- we've bought the new acrobat progrram. This is really working fine if we
- would like this to print the pdf's to laserwriters.
- Only, when i want to print to a stylewriter 11, it's bugging.
- Anyone who has had this experience too and could solve it?
- thanks and wkr
- ruud kwakkenbos
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 12:41:51 +22305714 (HST)
- From: Michael Blasco <mblasco@bishop.bishop.hawaii.org>
- Subject: Apple Adjustable Keyboards flaking out!
- Aloha!
- I've recently run into three Apple Adjustable Keyboards that have been
- producing extra characters on different keys.
- One produces two or three extra "t" characters when pushed.
- The same problem with a different keyboard with the "v" key.
- The third adds an extra space, which is extremely hard to find sometimes.
- I've tried opening up the keyboard and using canned air to blow out any dust.
- I've tried typing with greater force on those keys, with occasional
- success. I've tried having them blessed, fearing the menehunes have gotten
- into them, but nothing helps.
- Is anyone else having this problem??
- I fear it's a physical problem, and wouldn't you know it, they were both
- purchased in August of last year, so the warranty is over.
- I like the keyboard, but to have to go through and remove the extra
- letters (especially in this email editor) is a pain!
- Michael C. Blasco mblasco@bishop.bishop.hawaii.org
- Bishop Museum Exhibits Department
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 16:40:03 -0500
- From: Robert_E._Winston@pol.com (Robert E. Winston)
- Subject: A Problem with Central Point's MacTools Installer (A)
- > I just tried installing Central Point's MacTools (version
- > 3.0b) on my brand new PowerBook 540c. The installer program
- > wants to start by doing a virus scan of the hard disk. On the
- > 540c this blows up with a "Type 1" error about 90% of the way
- > through the process.
- > Has anyone else seen this problem, and/or does anyone know
- > what the solution is?
- Launch the CP Installer.
- Near the bottom of the resulting dialog box is a checkbox labeled, "Check
- <<hard disk name>> for viruses".
- UNcheck this box.
- (If you want to scan for viruses before installing, you can launch CP
- Anti-Virus App from the Install Disk #2.)
- ________
- Robert E. Winston rwinston@tso.uc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:37:49 +0100
- From: korthoud@montefiore.ulg.ac.be (Didier Korthoudt)
- Subject: AV: can I hope ?...
- Hi MacLovers,
- Once upon a time ( by one year ago ) a new-powerfull-surprising-hightech
- machine from Apple, called Centris 660AV.
- Promises were made for power, full screen and full motion video, speech in
- main foreign languages, high-tech phone services, ...
- Now, one year later, what do we have ?
- - Speech in North American English but what for french-talking like me ?
- - Poor slow rate tiny Quicktime ( even with this superb DSP and 20Mb RAM )
- - Geoport Telecom Adaptor, yes but where ? Not in Europe !
- - Our eyes to cry...
- Is there someone who knows or has some incredible extensions to get these
- dreams to reality ?
- Help me please... My room is nearly full of tears and I can't swim... ;)
- Thanks !
- Didier.
- +----------+ Welcome to...
- | ^ ^ |
- | O O | Didier Korthoudt
- | \______/ | Computer Science
- | \____/ | University of Liege
- +----------+ Belgium - Europe
- |. === |
- +=--------=+ korthoud@montefiore.ulg.ac.be
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 22:34 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Business week Apple article - what is on cover?
- Greetings,
- Anyone care to speculate what piece of hardware was on the front page of a
- recent Business Week? This was the cover of the issue discussing how Apple
- has been trying to gain more market share of computers. This device appeared
- to be much bigger than a Newton, and looked like a portable monitor. Has
- Apple finally made a detachable laptop screen? If so, what is the model
- number and where can I get it? Is it color, if it exists?
- Nothing has been mentioned about this in the advertisements I read in the New
- York Times Science in the Times.
- Just curious as always. Still wishing my LC could be trully portable and
- color at the same time.
- TIA.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 07:56:47 -0700 (MST)
- From: Bruce Long <bruce@asu.edu>
- Subject: Click Art Performa Collection?
- I just bought a Performa 578, which came with some pre-installed software.
- The "Click Art Performa Collection" was supposed to be included (it was
- even listed on the packing box) but I can't find it anywhere.
- I tried to call Apple's help line, but gave up after holding for 10 minutes.
- Does anyone know where that software is hiding? (It wasn't on any of the CDs,
- either.) Or was inclusion discontinued?
- Bruce Long bruce@asu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 21:59:43 +0000
- From: a2816cb@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de (Andy Lietz)
- Subject: Converting Mac to PC PostScript fonts
- Hello netters,
- I am looking for a little utility that converts Mac PostScript fonts to
- their PC equivalent. Any ideas? I am sure something like that is out there
- somewhere, I just don't quite know under which name I should look...
- Thanks,
- Andy.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 94 14:23:31 PDT
- From: Paul Brians <BRIANS@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
- Subject: CopyDoubler slowed down by overstuffed folders
- Has anyone besides me experienced this? I have two folders, each
- containing 250+ files (I know, I know, you're not supposed to let
- them get that big, but I have good reasons). CopyDoubler's "Fast Copy"
- option slows the backup process to a crawl. Regular copying is much
- faster. Anybody got an idea why, or a solution--besides dividing up
- the contents of my folders?
- Paul Brians, Washington State University, brians@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:01:43 -0500
- From: edmonds@ucs.indiana.edu (Allan Edmonds)
- Subject: Duplicate Menu Bar?
- I use a Mac with two monitors. I'm wondering if there is any way to have
- duplicate copies of the menu bar, one at the top of each monitor? I've
- never seen any mention of such an extension. Similarly, some programs
- create their own additional tool bars, and it would be nice to be able to
- duplicate these as well. Any suggestions?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 17:43:15 -0400
- From: Murphy@Sbaserv.SBA.UConn.Edu (Murph Sewall)
- Subject: Floppy format hangs
- On Fri, 14 Oct 1994 11:33:40 EDT, Phillip L. Jones wrote:
- >I don't know if this a problem that is known or not but I spent two hours last
- >night just trying to format a floppy because of it.
- >
- >My P475 has PC Exchange on it and when I stuck a raw floppy in, I selected
- >'Mac' format and it started to whir and about halfway through the process, the
- >drive hangs 'on'. So, with the drive still spinning, after a time I force
- >quit finder and restart. The drive finally stops spinning during boot-up and
- >spits out the disk. I started removing all my inits and panels and got down
- >to the bare (as it shipped) system. No go. After many hangs and reboots...
- >Bingo! I turn file sharing off and updated the drive and floppies now
- >format fine.
- >
- >Anyone know or can guess where the blame goes? Is it Performa, or Sharing, or
- >PC Exchange?
- Apple's ROM code in the Performa. I would have thought Apple would have
- fixed that bug by now as it is a well-known 'feature' of the Quadra 700.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:56:01 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: GatorBoxes (R)
- I could use some advice (on going) on setting up GatorBoxes of various
- kinds. If you'd like to answer an occasional email question about this, let
- me know. I may never ask, depending on how it goes.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:27:23 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- From: bmilner@netcom.com (bmilner) said:
- BM> - I ran Norton Utilities Speed disk on my quadra 650 running 7.1
- BM> after deleting an old 50 MB file I no longer needed.
- What version of Speed Disk are you running? There is a well
- publicized bug in version 3.0 that trashes disks. Norton has
- released an update (3.1) to fix the problem.
- I can't say if their fix worked. I'm too afraid to try it
- on my 1 GB drive!
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 01:31:28 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: How to boost ARA for GV PowerPort Mercury modems
- I have been experiencing painfully slow ARA performance ever since I
- installed the Powerport for Duo modem in my 210. How slow? Try 11 minutes
- to move 87KB at 14.4 KB connection. On a whim, I changed the ARA setup to
- use the PowerPort Gold CCL script instead of the supplied script for the
- Mercury, and speeds are vastly improved. Try it and please comment via
- E-mail if your mileage varied.
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:16:46 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Peter Loron <peterl@diver.ocean.washington.edu>
- Subject: IMAP Clients?
- Howdy. I am currently stuck using Mailstrom over a somewhat erratic
- (bandwidth-wise) link to the net and thus to my mailserver. Mailstrom has
- a nice interface, but it has proven to be quite unreliable when it doesn't
- always have immediate access to the net...can anyone suggest another IMAP
- mail client package? Thanks.
- Peter Loron Think SNOW! peterl@diver.ocean.washington.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:41:00 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Brandon Munday
- <Brandon_Munday%SA%NAVAIRTESTCEN%3CGATE@mr.nawcad.navy.mil>
- Subject: Internal HD Chattering:Why?
- To: {info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu@Internet}:3cgate
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I've noticed this on a few different Macs with internal Apple hard
- drives,
- and have wondered what it is:
- Every so often, about every five or so minutes, the hard disk will start
- "chattering": If I had to name that noise, it would be something like
- this:
- t-t-tic-tic-Tic-TIC-TIC-Chick-a-tic-a-tic-a-tic-Chick-a-tic-a-tic-a-CHICK
- .
- And the drive light doesn't flash at all, even though this drive head
- motion
- takes about 2 seconds to complete.
- What's going on here? Until I opened the computer and looked at the LED
- on the front of the disk drive, I was POSITIVE that it had to do with
- the
- File Sharing software checking some crucial end-of-the-world-important
- data on the disk, or something. But then I found that the LED wasn't
- flashing, so I assume that the system ISN'T looking for data at all.
- Does that leave us with the conclusion that the hard drive itself is
- doing
- something? If so, what? Is it just making sure that the heads don't
- stick
- in one position, or what?
- Just REALLY curious. ANY opinions would be welcome. Even if you just
- think
- it has something to do with space aliens and JFK. *grin*
- Brandon Munday : bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 15:02:25 -0400 (EDT)
- From: YXC6447@ritvax.isc.rit.edu
- Subject: look for a font.
- I am looking for a font with one of following math symbol,
- a circle with a minus sign in middle
- (similar to the character with a plus sign inside a circle
- in font symbol "Symbol").
- This symbol is used for Erosion operator in Mathematical Morphology.
- Thanks in advance.
- -Yidong Chen
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 11:53:36 +1000
- From: Paul Savage <p.savage@chem.csiro.au>
- Subject: Macintosh Drag-and-drop
- I just upgraded to Now Utilities 5.0 and included with that was an extension
- called Macintosh Drag-and Drop. I'm not sure what this does (I can guess) but
- one "feature" was that items on the desktop could not be moved -- even to
- another location on the desktop -- and they just returned to where they started
- when I released the mouse button. Likewise, items in folders could not be moved
- out onto the desktop. Drag and drop no longer worked on desktop items
- (including dropping stuff into the trash -- most disconcerting) but worked okay
- with things in folders. What gives here? I ended up turning off the Macintosh
- Drag-and Drop extension and things returned to normal but I'm not sure which of
- the the Now Utilities needs this extension. Anyone out there know the story?
- Paul
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:37:57 -0500
- From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
- Subject: midi files
- Here's a paste for you on netjam from info mac long ago.
- ---
- Then there is the netjam project ( send a mail with the subject line
- "request for info" - mail body ignored - to netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu
- to get infos). Netjam is managed by Craig Latta and is a collection of
- compositions stored as SMFs. You can retrieve them and submit your own -
- it's fun.
- ---
- SMF's aren't something you throw, they are an acronym for standard
- midi files which don't care whether you have a mac or ibm. This stuff was
- ostensibly defined by opcode.
- I have an expensive program, Vision, from opcode. Finally I got a bug
- free one that would translate from midi to DMCS. DMCS gives you music
- notation entry for nonmusicians and musicians.
- Hey, some musicians even write music and would like to see how it sounds
- before they have to learn to play it or inflict it on an orchestra.
- :-)
- Seriously, some others probably hate midi and didn't get with it, lost
- work, etc.! You can keyboard control what you enter as musical notation in
- performance and the rhythm is perfect.
- Well I got my DMCS translater and DMCS sort of broke. Wierd stuff,
- DMCS (deluxe music construction kit) seems to not like system 7.1 and
- gives me strange error messages about being out of memory with tiny
- files.
- But, I fooled them all. Mad maniacal laughter, te he te he.
- I have lots of hard drives with various
- systems on them. I can have the best of all worlds without upgrading. I
- heard that electronic arts is having a multifile opening DMCS that I'd
- like to upgrade to anyway.
- I've done fantastic things with DMCS. Check out my "Down by the
- Riverside" which I intended to be the theme song of the downed
- superconducting supercollider which in turn I thought would be James's
- and/or Toynbee's moral equivalent of war.
- Oh, well. Hope Electronic Arts is still up and kicking to sell you DMCS.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 94 03:40:02 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Modems with voice capability
- Captain Chaos AKA Andrew Rhoades (rhoades@ll.mit.edu) writes:
- >Subject: Modems with voice capability
- >
- >I'm shopping for a 14400 data/fax modem for my IIvx (7100 some day?), and I
- >would like one with voice handling features (answering machine stuff).
- >I've been surprised to find few vendors offering this feature, with Zoom
- >being the only major one I've seen. If this is true, why? I'm nervous
- >about buying a generic modem with inferior bundled software just to get
- >this feature, but I don't want the likes of Compaq Presario users thumbing
- >their noses at me and I could use an answering machine (plus it's just a
- >neat idea).
- I can't comment on the Zoom products, but I sure can give you an earful about
- the Supra Supra Digital Messaging System upgrade for their V32.bis modems.
- I have a Supra V.32bis modem that I spent the $89 on to upgrade to the voice
- capability (Supra Digital Messaging System, or SDMS). Supra accepted my order
- for the upgrade in November 1993 and didn't ship until March 1994, even after
- promising no less than FIVE separate times that it "would ship by the end of
- the week."
- Finally the upgrade arrived. After three weeks of fooling with it and VERY
- little help from Supra (can anyone even get through to them? They don't even
- have the courtesy to put you on hold). Now mind you, I am a reseller--and a
- long-time Supra fan. I love the modem, but the Cypress Research software sold
- with the voice upgrade stinks as does Supra's implementation of it and their
- tech support stinks too.
- SDMS bombed all the time and worse, hung my Q950 when I was away from the
- office--no messages and no remote access! After several calls to both Supra
- (unsuccessful, but they do answer their email in two or three days) and to
- Cypress (who does NOT support the PhonePro script that Supra has licensed,
- but who made an exception), I gave up.
- Not only does the software suck, but chip set used in the Supra modem
- compresses voice messages and the result is very poor playback quality. The
- outgoing message is scratchy and seems to degrade with time.
- The ONLY good thing I can say is that the LineShare software that came with
- the upgrade has worked flawlessly--a tribute to Stalker Software. That's
- basically the only thing left of the upgrade that I use.
- I went back to an answering machine. Cheap. Reliable. Good tech support. I
- tell my customers the same thing. Buy a Supra modem. Buy an answering
- machine. Don't confuse the two.
- As I said, I think Supra makes GREAT modems, but the SDMS is definitely a
- waste of money and time.
- I think voice messaging is about to mature, with several new telephony
- products slated for release this fall. If I were you, I'd wait a few months.
- Two postscripts: First, SDMS is not compatible with the new Supra 288 modems,
- so beware. Second, I have heard reports that the Prometheus Home Office voice
- messaging system is not only reliable, but the voice quality is excellent
- (they use a different chipset) and THEY ANSWER THEIR PHONES TO BOOT!!!
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 08:57:59 EST
- From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317)230-4791/Allison Engine
- Company)
- Subject: Mounting kit for AppleCD 300i <Plus?> in Quadra 630
- My brother recently purchased a Quadra 630, and a CD-ROM kit to put in
- it, while in Hawaii. When he returned home, on Guam, he discovered that
- the CD-ROM won't fit in the Q630. Apparently, the physical mounting
- does not match up and the electrical connectors are also not compatible.
- He described the CD-ROM as an "AppleCD 300i", but he did not specify if
- he's got the "Plus" model or not. (I did not think to ask, and I'm not
- sure if it matters.)
- As you might imagine, Guam is not exactly repleat with Apple dealers....
- So he's asked me to track down a mounting kit for him. Can anyone point
- me to an Apple part number, a phone number, etc... that may help him out?
- As this subject probably doesn't have any wide-spread appeal, please
- respond directly to me and I'll post a brief definative answer when I
- get one.
- Thanks in advance.
- Dan Hofferth - iedh1@agt.gmeds.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:20:39 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Brian Veenker <bveenker@blue.siti.net>
- Subject: New PPP User
- I just aquired a PPP account from a local provider, and am having trouble
- making MacPPP work. No matter what I do, the "open" button stays greyed,
- making it impossible to open a connection. I'm using version 2.0.1, System
- 7.1 on a Quadra 605.
- Much appreciated,
- Brian Veenker
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:55:55 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: PowerBook 520 availability (Q)
- Has anyone gotten a PowerBook 520 in less than 12-13 weeks? This is how
- long I've been told I'll have to wait from the date of order (mid August).
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:56:07 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: PowerBook HD on Mac Plus (Q)
- Now, now. Don't laugh. I want to put my extra PowerBook (20MB) internal HD
- to use by connecting it to an old Mac Plus. Does anyone have the pinouts of
- the PB drive connector. It's got power and SCSI in the same unit. Anyone
- know of a kit for making and external drive out of a PB internal drive?
- TIA <a href="http://lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu/cpjorgens/">PEJ</a>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 23:36:49 -0500
- From: brif01%gel.usherb.ca@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU ( =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?=
- Brillon)
- Subject: Programming FKEYs
- Hello,
- I want to programm an FKEY (called by cmd-shift-number). Is someone
- have informations about how to program theses littles utilities?
- Any help will be appreciate!
- Thanks. Please respond by email.
- Francois Brillon (email: brif01@gel.usherb.ca)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 12:22:56 -0500
- From: miles@mail.utexas.edu (Miles Abernathy)
- Subject: Scheduling Software (Gantt Chart) Update
- > I am looking for some Mac software, or perhaps an add-on to Excel, that can
- > draw schedules like this. The person enters the start and ending dates, and
- > the software puts bars of the proper lengths in the appropriate cells:
- >
- > Flight to Mars -- Schedule
- > Begin | End | Activity | 93 94 95 96
- > 3-15-93 | 2-28-94 | Training | xxxx|xx | | |
- > 7- 1-94 | 7- 2-94 | Launch | | x | | |
- > 7- 2-94 | 3-27-96 | Flight | | xx|xxxxxx|xx |
- > 3-28-96 | 3-28-96 | Landing | | | | x |
- Someone has noted that these charts are called Gantt charts. (Thanks, Stan!)
- Recommendations received by e-mail so far include FastTrack Schedule (AEC
- Management Systems, Inc., tel. 703-450-1980), Claris Impact, MicroPlanner,
- MacProject and Microsoft Project.
- If anyone has a lead on low- or no-cost software for one-time use (for my
- wife's school assignment), please let me know.
- miles@mail.utexas.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:33:17 -0500
- From: miles@mail.utexas.edu (Miles Abernathy)
- Subject: Scheduling Software (Gantt Chart) Update
- Thanks to Stan (again), a $7 shareware time-scheduling tool has been found.
- It is called GanttAid, at mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu:
- /pub/info-mac/app/excel-gantt-aid-10.hqx (and at other Info-Mac mirrors).
- It requires the use of Excel 4.
- >From the documentation:
- GANTTaid is a set of commands intended to facilitate the creation of
- Gantt charts within Excel 4.0/Mac. This includes automating the
- creation of aspects of Gantt charts with a variety of units of time,
- ranging from 15 minutes to quarterly. However, version 1.0 does
- not support features commonly found in full-featured project
- management software, for example, milestones and budgeting. Of
- course, the creative user can use GANTTaid as a kernel around which
- he/she may build such additional features.
- A Gantt chart typically depicts tasks in a left column with a time
- line for the tasks extending at the top of the chart from left to right
- and indicating the units of time. A bar depicts time planned for the
- task on its row by extending horizontally across columns of time, that
- is, by occupying space within the time line. Similarly, bars occupy
- part of the row for the task in that row to represent time actually
- expended on the task. Commercial software may include additional
- features, such as collapsible periods, milestones, budgeting for the
- tasks, etc.
- The purpose of this program is to provide some fundamental aspects
- of Gantt charting within the Excel environment, realizing that the
- individual user may enhance the basic charts created by this program
- with individualistic features. The author created GANTTaid because
- his project management needs were modest, not warranting the
- purchase of expensive software dedicated to that purpose.
- miles@mail.utexas.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 10:59:51 -0400
- From: Murphy@Sbaserv.SBA.UConn.Edu (Murph Sewall)
- Subject: SCSI Voodoo (Q)
- I've added a third external device to my SCSI chain. I now have a NEC
- CD-ROM (from MacWarehouse), an 88 MBbyte SyQuest (from APS), and an Abaton
- 300 color scanner. None are internally terminated, all have easy switch
- setting for SCSI-ID (#3, #2, #5).
- PROBLEM: If I turn all three on, my Quadra 700 hangs during the startup
- (usually while loading SCSI Probe or something else that scans the bus).
- If I turn any one or two of the three on I can startup, but I get all sorts
- of SCSI errors (attempts by DiskDoubler or StuffIT to verify writes to the
- HD return "media errors" for example).
- Soo... I ordered APS's SCSI Sentry (recently reduced in price to $79). The
- termination power light stays on constantly indicating that I don't need to
- plug in the handy external power supply for termination power. The SCSI
- Sentry DOES change things, though perhaps not for the better.
- With the SCSI Sentry in place and all three devices on the startup not only
- fails, but my startup HD catalog gets clobbered (Disk First Aid 7.2 says it
- can't fix it and Norton's Disk Doctor v 2.x says no can fix). Thank
- goodness for PC Tools 3.0--fixes the HD, but several control panels have
- resources beyond repair and have to be restored from HD).
- The problem isn't transient, I did it twice (backed up thoroughly after the
- first time :). Both times CP Scheduler, AccessPC and AutoDoubler got
- whacked.
- The CD-ROM by itself works fine, the SyQuest and scanner combination work
- just fine (I haven't tried SyQuest and CD-ROM together yet). But I seem to
- be stuck shutting down and reconnecting SCSI cables unless someone has a
- clue about how to deal with this problem.
- Would changing the order of connections (put the CD-ROM at the end of the
- chain instead of the beginning for example) make any difference (I can't
- see why it would and I'd just as soon not crash my startup drive again)?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 12:22:25 +0100 (WET)
- Subject: Seeking help with concordance work
- I have a large quantity of text here, which was keyed in in ALL CAPS.
- I need to do 2 things with it: translate the lot into lowercase, with
- caps only on first letter of each sentence; make a concordance of it.
- Advice on packages to execute these jobs will be greatly appreciated.
- Marion Gunn
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 20:05:29 +0100
- From: Matti Zemack <f92-maz@nada.kth.se>
- Subject: Stackable clipboard?
- Hi!
- I'm searching for a clipboard-like INIT (or CDEV). It should work something
- as follows:
- 1. I Copy something out with CMD-C and it's put on a stack.(*1)
- 2. I Copy something else out with CMD-C and it's put on the stack.(*2)
- 3. I Paste (CMD-V) and out comes what I copied out in (*2).
- 4. I Paste again (CMD-V) and out should come what I copied in (*1).
- Has anybody heard of something like this? (or could program this)
- I would be ever so thankful for this program.
- Excuse my English, and thanks for now
- Matti Zemack e-mail: f92-maz@nada.kth.se
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 21:17:46 -0500
- From: Paul M Sheldon <psheldon@utdallas.edu>
- Subject: Unix digest viewer (alternate answer)
- There was recently posted a unix form of easy view:
- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 11:48:37 +0400
- From: eyler@bilkent.edu.tr (Akif Eyler)
- Subject: [*] setext-viewer-05.tar.z.uu; view SeText under UNIX
- ...
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/setext-viewer-05-unix.uu; 11K]
- Heck with only 11k to port who cares about the ..., why waste bandwidth.
- I will repeat an interesting part:
- >As usual, the source code is supplied. This file must go thru
- >uudecode, uncompress, tar -xf, and finally make.
- >This version was modified by Ian Feldman, designer of setext.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 09:15:18 -0400 (EDT)
- From: wilsont@FED.ORNL.GOV (Tom Wilson)
- Subject: Unscrambling a document
- My Engineering group is on PCs with Banyan (yes, I can hear the violins in
- teh background) and our secretary sent an E-mail message with an attachment
- [which is UUENCODEd] and it arrived in the body of her E-mail message. I
- use Mac-EUDORA (the shareware version that doesn't have UUDECODE
- awareness). Is there a way to extract this document? Saving the E-mail as
- text and Running UUDECODE just produces a big mess.
- Tom Wilson <Wilsont@fedc06.fed.ornl.gov>
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Oak Ridge, TN
- Voice: 615-574-3927
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 1994 08:46:25 -0500
- From: jrusk@tenet.edu (James Rusk)
- Subject: Why Teachers Fear Internet
- In the Nov/Dec issue of "Internet: The Magazine for Internet Users" there
- is an article "Why Teachers Fear the Internet" by Crawford Killian. Some
- quotes:
- "This is not simply a fear of computers, but a particular dread of
- telecomputing and its implications."
- "Current hardware and software is still too complex and unreliaable for
- many teachers. They get little or no training - or if training is
- available, it's too far from their own classrooms."
- "As one high school computer science and math teacher said to me
- recently, 'I don't see where the Internet fits into the curriculum I have
- to get through.'"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 21:45:39 -0400
- From: Bai Xu <bxu@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca>
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
- Path: bxu
- >From: bxu@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Bai Xu)
- Subject: EPS<-> TIFF conversions (Q)
- Sender: bxu@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Bai Xu)
- Message-ID: <1994Oct16.014536.26138@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca>
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 01:45:36 GMT
- Organization: University of Toronto Chemistry Department
- Greetings,
- Could anyone suggest an easy and cheap way to do conversion between EPS
- and TIFF? Please direct the answer to my account as I am not a regular
- reader here. Many thanks.
- Bai
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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